The girls locker room

The girls locker room
The girls locker room

2020: The Girls Lockeroom – Operations Manager

Challenge: The Girls Lockeroom had challenges involving company structure, work delegation, goal identification & refinement, identifying marketing paths, and lacked business credit to access funding opportunities.

15X Business Hacker’s Solution: We assisted CEO Janisha Christian with a reconstruction of the business and marketing from the ground up.

  • –  Consulted on
    • –  Business & Brand Development
    • –  Business Foundation & Credit Development
    • –  Management, Operations, Processes, & Policies
  • –  Created
    • –  Business plan
    • –  Expansion Plan
    • –  Restructuring Plan
    • –  Marketing Road Map
  • –  Assisted with
    • –  Process Design & Management
    • –  Employee Onboarding & Training
    • –  Identifying & Streamlining Business Goals


Results: The Girls Lockeroom team improved their productivity and automation by 65% . They are also on their way to building a good business credit profile and they now have a clear plan on how to market their brand short term and long term.

  • Branding
  • Software
  • Design
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